Sensory Sunday Activities
Over the last few months we have been sharing a fun sensory activity with our social media followers every Sunday. Its been a huge hit -...
Why is Sensory Play Important for Children?
Our guest blogger this week is Sovereign Design Play Systems Ltd who are the largest provider of school ground developments in the UK....
The Sensory Mum explains SPD
Our guest blogger this week is Stacey from The Sensory Mum, who has written a fantastic blog about her daughter and their journey with...
Relaxation Techniques for an over stimulated child
Sensory over stimulation occurs when sensory experiences from the environment are too great for a child’s nervous system to successfully...
Sensory Food aversions
Children with food aversions may benefit from a technique called “Safe Foods”, which has the goal of preventing children from sensory...
Tactile Defensiveness
Treating tactile defensiveness will vastly improve a child's ability to learn, explore, play, and socialize. A tactile defensive child...