Improving Your Everyday Life Through Art Therapy
Our guest blogger is Caileigh, who is a play practitioner who uses forms of play such as exploring the outdoors and experimenting with...
Toilet Training Tips
Toilet training is a subject that many parents think about with nervous anticipation, especially if you have a special needs child....
Apps for Sensory Children
In this week's blog we are sharing some awesome app's that have been recommended by We have also added in some that we use...
Feeling hot, hot, hot
With the weather starting to warm up in Australia, we thought we would share some tips on how to keep cool. Sensory children can be known...
Sensory Sunday Activities
Over the last few months we have been sharing a fun sensory activity with our social media followers every Sunday. Its been a huge hit -...
7 Tips to help your child take Medication
My son has to take 5 different types of medication to treat his varying medical issues. Its taken quite a few months to get him used to...
Why is Sensory Play Important for Children?
Our guest blogger this week is Sovereign Design Play Systems Ltd who are the largest provider of school ground developments in the UK....
The Sensory Mum explains SPD
Our guest blogger this week is Stacey from The Sensory Mum, who has written a fantastic blog about her daughter and their journey with...
Miracle Babies Foundation
This week's blog is one close to my heart. My son was born at 36 weeks as a sick newborn. When he was born he spent time in the Special...
Celebrating Success
No matter how big or small the achievement for us as parents of special needs children, we need to celebrate every good thing our child...